We are used to thinking about airplanes and transportations as dynamic. On the other hand planning documents for design, construction and operations are trapped in static files, as master planning documents on a shelf, static PDFs or other static information. The needs of buildings are constantly shifting and changing.

In a dynamic world, the static plan is obsolete.

How is it possible to forecast what is needed in the next 10 years and then bake it into a PDF or printed document?

Living BIM planning combines technologies that enable live BIM planning with architects and planners input that are capable of changing the product from a static plan to one that can continue to live and evolve as changes happen. The provides owners with continuous insight into their facility needs and provides a foundation for interacting with projects, life cycle management, security planning and other uses.

People move..

Planes move...

Time to Change the AEC Game

Join the current BIMStorm to see the process and tools in action.

Data Driven Decisions and Deliverables

Data drives decisions. As data changes decisions need adjusting. Why stop at a static plan? The ONUMA System captures raw data, and combined decisions from owners, architects, engineers and planners to deliver a dynamic living BIM.

The power of Living BIM, combining architectural /planning services
with technology for transportation planning.

More Connections 

No solution is an island....

A free plug in for Archicad enables the linking of ONUMA System to Archicad BIMs.

A webservices connection between Attainia and ONUMA enables Attainia equipment data to flow into ONUMA  and Revit.

BIMObjects has catalogued all the SEPS 1691 Medical Equipment objects in Archicad, Revit, SketchUp and IFC.

A free plug in for NavisWorks enables the linking of SEPS standards to NavisWorks through ONUMA.

ONUMA System can import  data and automatically create BIMs of program requirements

A free plug in for Revit enables the linking of Revit to ONUMA.

A free plug in for SketchUp enables the linking of  SketchUp to ONUMA

3D Warehouse has catalogued all the SEPS 1691 Medical Equipment objects in SketchUp.


Ultimately this supports better outcomes for the end users of facilities.

Immediate Benefits

This process is built on a foundation of connections that enable communication with other systems.

We Employ:
Open standards for the web as well as BIM, GIS and FM.
Maximum flexibility to create, connect and publish data. 


New ways of ...


Take ownership of your data and keep it alive.

App Developers
